Freitag, 30. Juni 2017


// ------------------------------ PAYMENT CLUSTERF*  ---------------
1. Create and configure products in iTunes Connect.
You can change your products throughout the process, but you need at least
one product configured before you can test any code.
2. Get a list of product identifiers, either from the app bundle or your own server. Send that list to the App Store using an instance of SKProductsRequest.
3. Implement a user interface for your app’s store, using the instances of SKProduct returned by the App Store. Start with a simple interface during development, such as a table view or a few buttons.
4. Implement a final user interface for your app’s store at whatever point makes sense in your development process.
5. Request payment by adding an instance of SKPayment to the transaction queue using the addPayment: method of SKPaymentQueue.
6. Implement a transaction queue observer, starting with the paymentQueue:updatedTransactions: method.
7. Implement the other methods in the SKPaymentTransactionObserver protocol at whatever point makes sense in your development process.
8. Deliver the purchased product by making a persistent record of the purchase for future launches, downloading any associated content, and finally calling the finishTransaction: method of SKPaymentQueue.
9. During development, you can implement a trivial version of this code at 
first—for example, simply displaying “Product Delivered” on the screen—and 
then implement the real version at whatever point makes sense in your development process.

Montag, 19. Juni 2017

identify clicks on 2d overlay

// Sehr  einfach: so filtern wir auch Buttonklicks auf 2D Elemente raus
            let location2d = touch.location(in: overlayScene)
            let hitResult2d = overlayScene.atPoint(location2d)
            if let nname = {
